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Riverside Writers
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Fredericksburg, Virginia

The writers whose stories and poems appear in Rappahannock Voices are all members of Riverside Writers, a chapter of The Virginia Writers Club, Inc. Some have published in prestigious national magazines; others have had books published; for some, this is their virgin voyage into print. Many are lifelong Virginia residents; others have moved here from throughout the country. For some, writing has been part of their employment in government, journalism, or elsewhere; for many, writing is strictly an avocation. What they all share is a commitment to their craft and a desire to share it with others.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Riverside Reflections
Twenty-four established and emerging writers from the Rappahannock region share their vision through stories and poems of nature, love, life and spirit, plus quirky takes on the world around us. read more
by Riverside Writers ~ 0-7414-2468-1 ©2005
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Riverside Revelations
Twenty-five established and emerging writers from the Fredericksburg area share their vision through stories and poems of love, family, Christmas and spirit, plus quirky takes on the world around us. read more
by Riverside Writers ~ 0-7414-4698-7 ©2008
Price: $16.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
Rappahannock Review
Twenty-eight established and emerging writers from the Fredericksburg area share their vision through stories and poems of love and loss, children and animals, conflict and reaching out, and much more. read more
by Riverside Writers ~ 0-7414-6507-8 ©2011
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

4 .
Rappahannock Voices
Thirty-four established and emerging writers from the Fredericksburg area share their vision of our frailties, historical roots, occupational choices, marital and family challenges, and tributes to a spouse or in-law. read more
by Riverside Writers ~ 1-4958-0012-1 ©2014
Price: $13.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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