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Kim Crockett
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Kim  Crockett
Indianapolis, Indiana

The author is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana. She is a Christian poet who feels she was born with a destiny & would love more than anything to make a difference in this world. Compassion & love for people compel her to open her heart & share herself with the world through poetry. Besides speaking at various spoken word engagements throughout her community, she writes a column in a Christian newsletter, volunteers for outreach activities with her church & keeps active in sports with her son. She feels that writing is not what she does but what she is and she vows that as long as God gives her breath, she’ll just keep on putting it out there.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Poetic Journey to Christ
Take a journey into this poets’ heart as she opens up and shares her most deepest pain & exceeding joy with the reader in a style completely her own. read more
by Kim Crockett ~ 0-7414-2499-1 ©2005
Price: $9.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
His Hand is Stretched Out Still
No short description is available read more
by Kim Crockett ~ 0-7414-4432-1 ©2007
Price: $9.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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