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Neal Prochnow
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River Falls, Wisconsin

Dr. Neal Prochnow has been advising college students for over three decades. As Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences he has met with thousands of students and parents as a part of the prospective student programs, freshmen orientation programs, and advising sessions for registration. He recognized the need for a realistic approach to college and provided the leadership to create a School of Business and Economics within the College of Arts and Sciences. He has been recognized twice as an outstanding science professor. He is the parent of three children who completed their degrees on schedule.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Get Out of College and Get On With Your Career…
Only 30% of college students graduate in four years. Take advantage of insider tips from a savvy dean to get out of college on schedule and get on with your career. read more
by Neal Prochnow ~ 0-7414-2464-9 ©2005
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Graduate and Start A Career on Time: Tips for College Students and Parents
Finally, A Book On How To Graduate From College On Time Only 25% of students who start college graduate in four years. Graduate And Start A Career…On Time - Tips For College Students And Parents is a practical instruction manual about how to complete a degree and start a career in an efficient least cost manner. The author provides an opportunity for students to assess how well they are prepared for college and a career. He coaches them through choosing a major, connecting majors to careers, and choosing classes to acquire the right skills for jobs in the 21st century. read more
by Neal Prochnow ~ 0-7414-7167-1 ©2014
Price: $10.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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