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Susan E. Mann
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Newark, Delaware

Susan Mann is “mom” to three dogs: Pepper, a 13 year old neutered male Beagle mix; Brodie, a 7 year old neutered male Border Collie, and Kyp!, a 6 year old spayed female Border Collie/ Spaniel (maybe) mix. She teaches agility for Flexible Flyers Agility in Honeybrook PA, and also does private lessons and behavioral consulting under the name of Tip Top Training. Along with being a nurse (to pay the dog bills!), Susan is also an independent distributor for Oxyfresh pet and wellness products. She can be reached online at and or at her website: She lives in Newark Delaware at present, and is hoping to relocate to Florida in the near future in order to be closer to family.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Kippy: Second Chance Dog
The book is full of ways to make owning a dog easier and more fulfilling for the whole family. read more
by Susan E. Mann ~ 0-7414-2745-1 ©2005
Price: $12.95

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