Christopher Master
Glenside, Pennsylvania
Despite enduring many years within the numbingly blissful cocoon of Pennsyltucky, I now run Infinity Publishing’s cover design division. When not obsessing about the television show “Lost,” I sit in front of my computer trying to transcribe my memories though I inevitably get distracted by my feverish zeal for toy robots in disguise. In spite of this torrid love affair with my abundant collection of shape-shifting Transformers, I have been blissfully married to my beautiful, patient, and vastly smarter wife Marianne for over 3 years. We have two cats who are also smarter than I am.
Selected works by this author:
Tiny Cracker Zoo
Truth, some believe, is stranger than fiction—even well-written pulp fiction featuring ridiculous man-sized outhouse leeches or a homicidal, incestuous hillbilly clan.
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Christopher Master