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Lee Mielke
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Tavernier, Florida

The author, an octogenarian, was an avid student of historical inquiry at an early age. This early passion for history continues to this day. In 1942, just halfway through his university studies, he was drafted into the Army. Half of the next three years was spent in wartime Europe, half of that in front line combat. After the war, he completed his bachelor and master degrees and taught history and political science for 35 years. He lives with his wife in the Florida Keys.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Curtains, Walls and Skewed History: A Soldier's View of World War II
The 20th century was a painful one. It was not just Hitler. A large part of the century was hushed-up, slow motion genocide. But, don’t talk about it, because it was committed by the “good guys.” read more
by Lee Mielke ~ 0-7414-3050-9 ©2006
Price: $11.95

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