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Edward J. Malin
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Madison, Wisconsin

For thirty years the author has walked up Bascom Hill in Madison, Wisconsin and unlocked the same office door to go to work. At times, he questioned the repetitive nature of doing the same thing over and over, but never to the point of seeking new employment. If anything, such steadfastness allowed him to write these Chronicles in his spare time. It also made the “well done” offered by his co-workers all the more appreciated. He would like to thank them for their support and you too, the readers, for your interest.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The LightChain Chronicles: Book One: White
For years the Valley’s isolation provided sanctuary for its residents, but now internal strife threatens to undo the peace. Worse, all signs point to a greater menace looming over the horizon. read more
by Edward J. Malin ~ 0-7414-3069-X ©2006
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
The Lightchain Chronicles: Book Two/Red
For years the Valley’s isolation provided sanctuary for its residents, but now internal strife threatens to undo the peace. Worse, all signs point to a greater menace looming over the horizon. read more
by Edward J. Malin ~ 0-7414-3216-1 ©2006
Price: $15.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
The Lightchain Chronicles: Book Three: Blue
For years the Valley’s isolation provided sanctuary for its residents, but now internal strife threatens to undo the peace. Worse, all signs point to a greater menace looming over the horizon. read more
by Edward J. Malin ~ 0-7414-3362-1 ©2006
Price: $16.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

4 .
The Lightchain Chronicles: Book Four: Green
Civil war threatened the Valley. Evil threatened to overrun Chardon. Could the White Stone of Unity keep either at bay? So begins the five book fantasy series, The LightChain Chronicles. read more
by Edward J. Malin ~ 0-7414-3715-5 ©2006
Price: $15.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

5 .
The Lightchain Chronicles: Book Five: Black
In the spirit of Lord of the Rings, an epic battle between the forces of good and evil. Can the Selected resolve the conflict before his friends are crushed beneath its horror? read more
by Edward J. Malin ~ 0-7414-3844-5 ©2007
Price: $16.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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