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Guy R. Ramsdell
Bouse, Arizona

I the author enjoy walking, movies, (selected) computer games, and fixing old pickups of which I have two (I drive one of them). I wouldn’t own something I can’t fix.

I am still involved in my spiritual activities as described in this book.

As of March of 2006 I am still living in the trailer that I bought in August 1996.

I am still single, and remain ineligible.

I have another book that I’m thinking about publishing. It is entitled Something I am Called to Do. If the Lord is willing, it will see print.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
A License to Live
A License to Live was written to document the life and problems of a homeless person. It details the interaction between the person and the bureaucracies. read more
by Guy R. Ramsdell ~ 0-7414-3175-0 ©2006
Price: $11.95

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