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Margaret Koester
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Frederick, Maryland

Margaret Koester was born in Pittsburgh, PA, the youngest of seven children of Irish immigrant parents.

She lived in Pittsburgh most of her life, part of which was spent employed in the Personnel office of Westinghouse Electric Corporation as an interviewer of women.

In 1943, Margaret wed Charles Koester, a 1st lieutenant in the Army Signal Corps of the US Armed Forces in World War II. They had five children, 3 girls and 2 boys.

In later years, they settled in Pittsburgh, PA. Margaret continues to write books. Charlie, as he was known to his loved ones, died in 1982.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Conversations with Archangel Michael
Conversations with Archangel Michael is composed of conversations between Archangel Michael and Margaret Koester as insights into the possibility of contact between humans and ones of the spirit world. read more
by Margaret Koester ~ 0-7414-3492-X ©2006
Price: $11.95

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