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Sandy Steele
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Beverly Hills, California

Sandy Steele is an accomplished mother, wife, author, screenwriter, columnist, and CEO of her own public company, “Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc.” Mrs. Steele has also been interviewed numerous times on national television shows, including CNN. She just recently launched “Honey, trust me on this…”™, a live weekly hour long radio show broadcast throughout the world via the internet.

The Beverly Hills Longevity Code™ is the result of decades of scientific research and interviews with doctors and the “beautiful people” in Beverly Hills who have access to the best of everything in maintaining their health and good looks.

Selected works by this author:
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The Beverly Hills Longevity Code
Contains all the newest scientific research and guarded secrets of the rich and famous enabling them to stay naturally healthy and beautiful into old age. read more
by Sandy Steele ~ 0-7414-3527-6 ©2006
Price: $14.95

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