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Scott J. Neuhaus
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Lynnewood, Washington

Educated as a biochemist the author did research prior to entering dental school. During the early years of his doctoral training he was again involved in research. After graduating from the University of Washington his focus became his family. Serving as a dentist for 25 years allowed a stable environment for marriage and children but as the last of the kids left for college he sold his practice and returned to school. He now again works in research while teaching and writing. Passionate about the sad path we as humans are taking, he also wrote Handbook for the Deep Ecologist.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
B.C. Again
A month-long trek into the mountains became a journey back in time and a struggle for survival…not just for Jordan but for all of civilization. read more
by Scott J. Neuhaus ~ 0-7414-3878-X ©2007
Price: $18.95

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