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Kenneth L. Briscoe
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Upper Marlboro, Maryland

In the early 1990s, Kenny realized that there would be a critical need for emergency management service due to growing global concerns; therefore, he focused his professional development in Security Management concentrating in Emergency Management. Kenny is a Combat Veteran, Special Operations Background, and Six Sigma certified. He has written, developed, and designed numerous BCP/COOP and COG plans involving programs of national security interest. His tasks included strategic planning, training, exercises, relocation site development /management, information technology, intelligence analysis, command center engineering, and new continuity of operation technology planning for government and corporate agencies.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Disaster Management & COOP Handbook
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by Kenneth L. Briscoe ~ 0-7414-3691-4 ©2007
Price: $25.95

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