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Joy Shannon Balmer
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Fairfield, California

Joy is a Kentucky native who lives in Northern California with her teacher/photographer husband, Tom. Her genealogy search takes her back to visit her Kentucky cousins often. Joy and Tom plan to retire there as soon as they can convince children and grandchildren to tag along.

Other than making dry mudprints, eating snowcream, picking blackberries and enjoying peach juice running down her arm on a warm summer’s day, Joy swears nothing in this work of fiction actually happened to her. Really. But she’s sure it has happened in some family tree, to someone, sometime, somewhere. Maybe even hers. Maybe yours.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Hand-Me-Downs, The Secrets
A sprawling generational saga that follows the fortunes of an American family through betrayal and forgiveness against the backdrop of the country's larger spiritual and political struggles. read more
by Joy Shannon Balmer ~ 0-7414-4194-2 ©2007
Price: $17.95

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