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Maggie Gordon
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La Quinta, California

Maggie Gordon and her husband, Bill, live in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. They invested in a 1937 La Quinta casita in 2003.

Maggie wanted to know who built the casitas and why they were scattered around. It became a challenge to see how many they could find while driving around the Cove.

No one Maggie spoke to really knew the story of the casitas. Actually, everyone had a different story. Intrigued by old stories and the colorful past, Maggie could not stop her quest to find the truth. Even the name became a conflict; were they called “little houses,” or were they called “casitas?”

Maggie is fourth-generation Californian with a B.S. in Humanities. Most importantly, she has a love and an appreciation for the historical casitas!

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