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Wayne Gray Huxhold
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Fort Wayne, Indiana

Wayne Gray Huxhold has a rich and varied inkpot of history in which to dip his quill. He was reared in the small factory town of New Castle, Indiana, was educated as a maritime navigator who briefly traveled the world, yet settled back into the perceived safety of familiar and mundane routines of his former home. After struggling for seventeen years with failed marriages, financial woes and an unfulfilling career, he knew it was time to change. Wayne, as the poet David Whyte relates, “arranged to become good and tired of himself.” At this point, he began his journey of writing From Roots to Branches, an act that transformed him.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
From Roots to Branches: A Journey Through The Tree
For just a few moments, Wayne Huxhold laid down his burdensome life to imagine how it would feel to bury his toes in a forest floor. This sprouted the beginning of his life-changing journey through the Tree of Life. read more
by Wayne Gray Huxhold ~ 0-7414-4119-5 ©2007
Price: $13.95

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