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Alexa Wolf
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Hollywood, California

At age twelve, Alexa Wolf won first place for her age group in a poetry contest sponsored by the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom. Her later work includes stories for the L.A. WEEKLY and an article for the C.G. Jung Institute journal, PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES. She also won a fellowship to the MacDowell Colony and is currently working on her Writers Certificate at the UCLA Writers Extension Program. While misdiagnosed for HIV/AIDS, she appeared on numerous television and radio programs including OPRAH, THE TODAY SHOW and a Dan Rather special. Alexa lives in Los Angeles with her bird, Captain Kirk the Parakeet.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
My Mother's House
Spanning half a century, this mother-daughter story inspires with drama, humor and pivotal insights into one of a woman’s most important relationships. The book also reveals what you must know about our abusive nursing care system. read more
by Alexa Wolf ~ 0-7414-3520-9 ©2007
Price: $22.95

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