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Linda J. Thompson
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Frederick, Maryland

Linda J. Thompson enjoys meeting and working with people on community-related projects and activities. Having worked in the nonprofit and faith-based arenas for approximately twenty years, she has achieved success in launching various community projects, small business ventures, grant writing, training conferences, and fund raising programs for churches, faith-based and community-based organizations. In this book, she shares her faith, practical experience and knowledge to assist individuals or organizations in their mission to fulfill God’s purpose in economic development programs for Kingdom building. Mrs. Thompson down to earth style makes this book easy to read and comprehend. Mrs. Thompson resides in Frederick Maryland.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Kingdom Building: A Labor of Love Journey
Kingdom Building: A Labor of Love is a practical book about faith, belief, challenges, and principles in launching economic development projects for churches, faith-based organizations, and community service organizations. read more
by Linda J. Thompson ~ 0-7414-4655-3 ©2008
Price: $8.95

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