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joyful 3n1
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Glennallen, Alaska

Born in 1953, Jeannette Sutherland grew up in Alaska, the fourth in a family of seven siblings. Her parents were Christian missionaries of the JOY Missions (sic). Representing the heart of her family, she spent nearly five decades of soul searching to discover Heaven on Earth. Finally, after assimilating Dr. Deepak Chopra’s book, How To Know God, she crossed to the other side and experienced the Eternal Reality. This transformative encounter led Jeannette to obtain a B.S. in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology.

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No Strings Attached
No-Strings Attached: Essays on a Joyful Journey with INTENT into SILENCE. Jeannette Sutherland. A life-altering encounter with Eternity, results in a delightful review of a motley mix of New Age concepts and insights. read more
by joyful 3n1 ~ 0-7414-4524-7 ©2008
Price: $13.95

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