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Misanthropov .
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Mishref, Kuwait, Pennsylvania

In the book-publishing business, I go by the pseudonym Misanthropov. In the real world, people know me as Mohammed Jassim Haider. Year seven was a particularly important transitory point. I became a voracious bibliophile. It was the Harry Potter series that inspired and developed my interest in books. From a mere reader, I transformed into a diligent writer. Occasionally, I wake up from most bizarre dreams, such as the ability to speak forty-nine languages, and the ownership of a circular library with a one-kilometre radius! But mostly, my complexity of thought gives rise to a predominantly philosophical demeanour.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Entities in Existence: a collective work
I endeavour to show you how illusionary reality is, and how real illusion is at once. It is a complex lesson to teach, but so far, you have made enough progress and cannot turn back… read more
by Misanthropov . ~ 0-7414-4644-8 ©2008
Price: $16.95

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