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Timothy W. Phillips
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Flushing, Michigan

Tim Phillips resides in Flushing, Michigan with his wife Regina and two children Eliot and Alexandria. He teaches history, art, and government at Southern Lakes Academy. He enjoys cross-country bike riding and running. He is involved in a number of sports and loves traveling up north to camp and fish. In his moments of silence, he contemplates the meaning of the universe and future topics for the cutting room floor. Whenever the opportunity arises, Tim finds himself serenading his family with his own rendition of musical silliness as he bounces from one room to the other in the morning hours.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Eternal Discontent
Menacing and unbelievably oppressive, the system is watching. What you do means nothing to them, because they believe that not a thing can be done to stop them. So, what will you do when the time is right? Will you rise up with your fellow men and shut them down? Or, will you cower in the corner and wait? read more
by Timothy W. Phillips ~ 0-7414-4513-1 ©2008
Price: $13.95

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