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Rev. Arvelle C. Jones, D.Min.
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Reverend Jones hails from East Saint Louis, Illinois where he received Christ as his Personal Savior at the age of 9 and was baptized.

After many years of servicing in New Bethlehem Baptist Church, he was ordained as Deacon at New Bethlehem Baptist Church in Philadelphia.

He was licensed to preach at New Bethlehem and was ordained by the Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association.

Reverend Jones’ educational background is as follows:

Lutheran Theological Seminary—Doctor of Ministry;
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (now Palmer)—Master of Divinity; Master of Arts;
University of Pennsylvania—Master of Governmental Administration;
St. Joseph’s University—Bachelor of Science, Accounting

Reverend Jones’ Christian and pastoral experiences are as follows:

Associate Pastor, Assistant to the Pastor, Minister of Christian Education, Bible Teacher, served as Chairman and Vice Chairman of Board of Trustees.

Currently, serving as Associate Pastor of Greater White Rock Baptist Church under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. George L. Blount, Jr. In addition, he is the Director of the Counseling Center.

Reverend Jones has affiliation with many organizations such as the Baptist Ministers Conference of Philadelphia and the Police Council of Clergy, 16th District.

He is a Certified Public Accountant and a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.

On June 11, 1995, Reverend Jones was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree by the Martha’s Vineyard Theological Seminary.

He is presently the 9th President of Manna Bible Institute, in Philadelphia, installed February, 2000.

He is the host of the radio program “All About The Bible,” which airs on WNJC 1360 on the AM dial, every Monday at 4:30 p.m., simultaneously broadcast on the World Wide Web at WWW.WNJC1360.COM.

Reverend Jones is married to the former Ms. Esther Tillman and is the father of two children: Elder Dr. Crystal J. Lucky and Arvelle, Jr., “Ozzie.”

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Back to the New Testament: A Manual for Understanding It
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by Rev. Arvelle C. Jones, D.Min. ~ 0-7414-5079-8 ©2008
Price: $9.95

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