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J.F. Chambers
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Cape May, New Jersey

J.F. Chambers has worked in government, education, and a funeral home. The author has a spouse, a daughter, and a strong desire to seek the truth, come whence it may, and cost what it will. Chambers learned that the cost of knowing the truth is often the loss of our most cherished traditions and beliefs. The author believes that all religions must evolve and become non-sexist and science friendly in order to survive in the modern world, and that every religion should tolerate the beliefs of others. The author is fascinated with the cultural struggle between religion and modern science.

Selected works by this author:
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Daughter of God: The Inquisition of Sarah Beaux
Healing the sick, performing miracles, upsetting the religious authorities and getting crucified. It happened again, but this time it’s a girl and she is fighting back to save lives. read more
by J.F. Chambers ~ 0-7414-5163-8 ©2009
Price: $19.95

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