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Denise Tucker
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Denise Tucker has been studying the Word of God for over twenty years. She has earned an AA in Liberal Arts; BA in Theological Studies; BA in Communications and she is a current student at Eastern University working on her Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership.

In the community, she facilitates a women’s group of over comers, ministers and prays with the elderly in a nursing home and spreads the Gospel wherever she goes. She has developed and facilitated workshops on “prayer” and “altar care procedures” and has developed a workshop on “effective soul winning.”

Selected works by this author:
1 .
10 Things God Expects
Ten Things God Expects is an informative, instructional book that will leave you more encouraged and inspired to grow in the grace and knowledge of what God is expecting from His people. It will also give you the tools you need to grow and walk in the Light as He is in the Light. read more
by Denise Tucker ~ 0-7414-4825-4 ©2000
Price: $10.95

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