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Linda J. Patterson
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San Diego, California

Linda J. Patterson is a civil litigation attorney who lives in San Diego, California. Raised a Christian, Ms. Patterson became an agnostic while taking courses in biblical studies at Seattle Pacific University. Some 20 years later, she took a sabbatical from her legal career to further research the Bible, and to share her thought-provoking discoveries in Shattered Scriptures.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Hate Thy Neighbor: How the Bible is Misused to Condemn Homosexuality
One of the most widely recognized teachings of Jesus is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Unfortunately, many Christians seem to ignore this extraordinarily laudable exhortation when it comes to their homosexual neighbors. Hate Thy Neighbor is a must-have resource for people wishing to defend themselves, their friends, or their family against those who misuse the Bible to condemn homosexuality. read more
by Linda J. Patterson ~ 0-7414-5215-4 ©2009
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Shattered Scriptures: The Bible Through the Eyes of a Former Christian
• Why are there two different creation stories in Genesis? • Why are there two distinct sets of Ten Commandments? • Why do only two of the four Gospels claim that Jesus was born of a virgin? • Why do the Gospels contain discrepancies regarding the resurrection of Jesus? • Why are there inconsistent biblical predictions about end times? In her comprehensive guide to the Bible, former Christian Linda J. Patterson explores these and other topics that have captivated scholars and theologians for centuries, and explains why she no longer believes that the Scriptures are divinely inspired. read more
by Linda J. Patterson ~ 0-7414-7865-X ©2012
Price: $21.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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