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Jerry Shelby
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Salisbury, North Carolina

Jerry Shelby is a retired business manager; a community leader; an advocate for families, victims, the poor, the disadvantaged, and the underserved. He has been president or chairman of almost everything he gets involved in. He has received many business, community service, and leadership awards from the community, state, and nation. He has spoken at conferences and the legislature about victim’s rights, judicial reform, healthcare reform, and senior friendly communities.

He has written a prior book, several instruction “how to” technical manuals, professional and business papers, detailed procedures for the International Standards Organization (ISO) certification program, and numerous newspaper articles.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Victims Have No Rights: A Victim's (Pro Se) Experience With Insurance Companies and the Unjust Judicial System
He was injured and victimized again. Nobody would help him or the other victims. This is how he tried to get justice with uncooperative insurance companies and the unjust judicial system. read more
by Jerry Shelby ~ 0-7414-5212-X ©2009
Price: $19.95

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