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M. Brent Willis
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West Jordan, Utah

M. Brent Willis is an Air Traffic Controller for the Department of Transportation. He is also a real estate investor specializing in low income housing. He is a private pilot with his own airplane and loves to fly with his family and friends. Besides working on his own properties he loves to draw, paint, and golf. He loves investing and following the stock market. He loves being with his wife Naomi and five children in anything they want to do. He looks forward to retiring from his job at the age of 50 and focusing his newly added time to pursuing additional real estate investments.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Golden Quest
His heart raced with the first sight of Jerusalem. The limestone city now bathed by the sunset looked like pure gold. His mansion would overlook the city and temple…it was only a matter of time. read more
by M. Brent Willis ~ 0-7414-5369-X ©2009
Price: $12.95

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