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Jeanette M. Morey
Reston, Virginia

I’m one of four children, the eldest, and I was born and reared on a large dairy farm in northern VT during the depression and WWII. After graduating from Johnson High School and Burlington Business College, now Champlain College, I worked doing several different things. Eventually, I met and married an Army corporal who had worked his way up to Lieut. Col. By the time he retired. Each move in his career is a new chapter in the book and a new location where we lived and he worked. I hope you enjoy the travel.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Sixteen Long Moves
I met some marvelous and interesting people, saw some unforgettable things and consequently, would not change one bit of it. It certainly helps to build strength of character! read more
by Jeanette M. Morey ~ 0-7414-5186-7 ©2009
Price: $13.95

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