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Dr. Abigail Elizabeth Reynolds
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Mannington, West Virginia

Abigail Elizabeth Reynolds has a history as fascinating as her heroine. She is an ordained minister, a mental health professional, a mischievous adventurer in her own right, and a loving presence in the lives of those who know her.

Refusing to accept life sitting down, she recovered from cardiac arrest and a diagnosis of brain death, achieved a PhD, and wrote her first novel, which encapsulates her indomitable spirit and love of history.

She brings to this book a reminder of the courage and strength needed by those who would bring about change in the status quo of any era.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Reporter Wore Petticoats
The nineteenth century springs to life, as Elizabeth Fitzgerald defies society’s rules and defines a woman’s role. Reporting tragedy and triumph, she will move you to laughter and to tears. read more
by Dr. Abigail Elizabeth Reynolds ~ 0-7414-5785-7 ©2010
Price: $21.95

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