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Dortell Williams
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W. Lancaster, California

Dortell Williams is a forty-three-year-old life prisoner in California, where he has been confined for the last twenty years. A lover of learning, Williams calls prison his “university,” and proudly asserts that despite the inherent repression of prison, he has still accomplished “a list of personal achievements.”
He is currently studying for an associate’s degree in Seminary through a correspondence course. He has taught himself to type, operate computers, communicate in Spanish, and earned a paralegal certificate. But most importantly to him, he has taught himself to write, and by that means he passionately represents the underclass, speaking tirelessly to the mass injustice his peers and social class suffer in chucks of decades on a daily basis.
Williams is a proud father of a beautiful daughter, a mentor to many, and a follower of faith through action against scarce odds.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Looking in on Lockdown: A Private Diary for the Public
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by Dortell Williams ~ 0-7414-5814-4 ©2010
Price: $14.95

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