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Jean-Francois Orsini
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Woolington, Delaware

A French Ivy League Ph.D., Dr. Jean-Francois Orsini was born in Vietnam, grew up in Morocco and Monaco and completed higher studies in France and the US where he earned an MBA and a Ph.D. from the Wharton School. In the course of these different experiences, he drew many practical conclusions on issues of mental cultural imageries and subsequent behaviors. An academic and consultant, he presently offers a program to train long-distance employees to better collaborate online and be effective workers in the present Managerial Revolution. He is proud father of six daughters and resides in Washington, DC.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Fight the Left
The ideologies of Conservatism and Liberalism have both roots that are several centuries old. With their historical study, this book offers the demonstration of the superiority of Conservatism. read more
by Jean-Francois Orsini ~ 0-7414-6304-0 ©2011
Price: $14.95

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