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Dr. Jesus Antonio Caquias
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Brownsville, Texas

Dr. Jesus Antonio Caquias was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He and his wife Carmela, live in Brownsville, Texas. They have five children. He obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree from the Brooklyn Center of Long Island University and in 1975 moved to Nashville, Tennessee to study medicine at Meharry Medical College. He obtained his Medical Doctor’s degree in 1979. His interest in Alternative Medicine led him to pursue a second doctorate in Integrative Medicine from Capital University of Integrative Medicine in the District of Columbia in 2003. He has been a Bible student and teacher since 1989 and applies his knowledge for the spiritual well being of his patients. This book represents the combined revelations of his studies

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Ideal Body You Are Never Too Old to Get One
If growing older has you wondering what life has in store for you, you are going to want to read this book. read more
by Dr. Jesus Antonio Caquias ~ 0-7414-5873-X ©2011
Price: $16.95

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2 .
El Cuerpo Ideal Nuncas Se Es Muy Viejo Para Lograrlo
Si el envejecer le provoca cuestionar lo que la vida pueda tener para usted, la lectura de este libro le va a interesar. Si alguna vez ha tenido inquietud sobre la vida, el auto superación y como se puede obtener un cuerpo más allá del sueño más descabellado, va a querer leer este libro. Si no está seguro de su propósito en la vida o el por qué la humanidad existe, se le antojara leer este libro. Aprenda lo que otros no nos han podido revelar. EL CUERPO IDEAL, NUNCA SE ES MUY VIEJO PARA LOGRARLO es un libro sobre una oportunidad para tomar parte de uno de los proyectos más grandes de la creación, ¡el Reino de Dios! read more
by Dr. Jesus Antonio Caquias ~ 0-7414-7792-0 ©2012
Price: $17.95

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