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Des Rodgers
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Toronto, Ontario

Despite his initial reluctance to enter the teaching profession, the author – an alumnus of several universities in Burma, Canada, the U.S. and Britain, accepted a position with Rangoon University’s English Department, and went on to make a 40 year career of teaching ESL and English for Professional Purposes at the university and community college levels in Burma and Canada. He has now made good use of his diverse disciplinary studies to research and format an advanced vocabulary reference list designed to enable the advanced learner to level his language playing field in his interactions with the native speaker.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Essential Modern Vocabulary Use: Level Your Language Playing Field
This book, which reads like a dozen books in one, is for the language learner who knows that he doesn’t know, as well as the native speaker who assumes that he knows. read more
by Des Rodgers ~ 0-7414-6396-2 ©2011
Price: $17.95

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