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James W. Fitch
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Santa Rosa,, California

James Fitch was born in New Mexico. In January, 1941, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy at age 17. After World War II he attended Harvard College as a G.I. Bill veteran, won a prize fellowship, and spent a year in South America with his bride, Claire Thompson. They wrote several articles for THE NEW YORK TIMES and VISION magazine. After returning to Harvard for an MBA degree, Jim worked as an industrial executive: for 13 years in Venezuela, 10 years in Mexico, and 10 years in Chicago. Then he retired. He and Claire live in Santa Rosa, California.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Desert Sailor
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by James W. Fitch ~ 0-7414-0389-7 ©2000
Price: $18.95

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