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Jessica Ramos-Harthun

Jéssica Ramos-Harthun (Perú, 1969-)

Dr. Jessica Ramos-Harthun (Peru, 1969) received her Ph.D. in Spanish Literature from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (2001), her M.A. in Latin American Studies from the American University, Washington DC (1994), and her B.A. in Communication Arts from William Penn University (1992), Iowa. She has taught Spanish for fifteen years at various academic institutions in the United States. Before her teaching career, she had also worked at several international organizations in Washington DC, such as the Embassy of Peru.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
VERVIR: Una nueva manera de leer y escribir poesía
This unique book of poetry is based on an entirely new form of poetic meter: "VERVIR" or "Versificación Virtual," which can be perceived as a poetic puzzle. read more
by Jessica Ramos-Harthun ~ 0-7414-6467-5 ©2011
Price: $23.95

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