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Ruth Steinberg
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Ruth  Steinberg
Tinton, New Jersey

Ruth Steinberg is the author of A Certain Frame of Reference, poems about her experiences as a child refugee from Hitler’s Vienna, and the implications and consequences of her history. A Step in Time continued her exploration of her past, and broadened her outlook to include considerations of politics, travel and observations of New Yorkers from a Manhattan delicatessen. She also published Word Play, a chapbook of her humorous verse. She is a former editor of two semi-technical magazines, and before her retirement was the Director of Technical Publication at a telecommunications R&D company.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
A Step in Time
Gemlike, deceptively simple poems follow the poet’s Steps in Time in a range of subjects from the Holocaust and growing up as a refugee to observations of New York street scenes, from family life to aging, in keenly felt, starkly expressed, powerful and compelling lines. A Step in Time roots readers in specific details that marry the poet’s past with the present, making everything come alive in the moment at hand. The work easily carries readers to worlds beyond their own. read more
by Ruth Steinberg ~ 0-7414-6833-6 ©2011
Price: $11.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Shadows, Echoes, Memories
Specific details and memorable images marry Ruth Steinberg’s past and present. In clear poetic language she transforms the familiar into an expressive language of her own. read more
by Ruth Steinberg ~ 9781495806025 ©2015
Price: $12.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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