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R. Baruch, Ph.D.
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R. Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies with an emphasis in Biblical languages. He earned rabbinical ordination as an orthodox Rabbi in 1998. He and his family have lived in Israel since 2002 where he teaches at the Nakdimon, and Zera Avraham Institutes, as well as the Israel College of the Bible. He is the featured speaker for the Hebrew website For English speakers, the website contains many of his articles and video lessons. He lectures widely on the theological unity between the Hebrew Bible and New Covenant. His PhD dissertation was in Septuagint studies.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Without A Friend: Why The World is Turning Against Israel and the Jewish People
Without A Friend is an inductive study of many of the primary texts both Biblical and rabbinical which deal with a proper understanding of what will happen not just to Israel, but the entire world, in the end times. read more
by R. Baruch, Ph.D. ~ 0-7414-7271-6 ©2012
Price: $13.95

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