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Hilton L. Anderson
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Princeton Junction, New Jersey

Dr. Anderson was a school psychologist for twenty-five years before retiring. Retirement has offered extensive travel and opportunity for studying and reading. He is the father of three children and seven grandchildren. He has published three previous books, A Search for the Source, (2005), Peace is Oneness, (2010), and Poetry of Spiritual Awakening, (2011).He has been facilitating A Course in Miracles for over thirty years. This has been the most important contributor to his spiritual development, although the extensive reading in Eastern religions, psychical research and states of consciousness was also been very important.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Poetry of Spiritual Awakening: Reflections of Awareness - Color images included
Poetry of Spiritual Awakening is a collection of poems arranged into three levels of awareness as experienced by the author. The separate ego state is primarily focused on external reality, the first division of poems. read more
by Hilton L. Anderson ~ 0-7414-6996-0 ©2012
Price: $38.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Poetry of Spiritual Awakening: Reflections of Awareness - Hard Cover Color
Poetry of Spiritual Awakening is a collection of poems arranged into three levels of awareness as experienced by the author. The separate ego state is primarily focused on external reality, the first division of poems. read more
by Hilton L. Anderson ~ 0-7414-6997-9 ©2012
Price: $47.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
Mind Beyond Brain
The book offers evidence supporting the theory that the brain does not create the mind, but rather, the brain is the filter of mind while mind is occupying a physical body. Scientists almost universally theorize that the brain creates consciousness. Many discoveries, such as near death experiences, distant viewing, telepathy, and other Para psychological phenomena are rejected by most scientists because they indicate awareness beyond a functioning brain. The new physics of quantum mechanics defines a very different concept of physical matter than Newtonian physics making these “nonphysical” phenomena more plausible. Mind (you) may be beyond dieing. read more
by Hilton L. Anderson ~ 1-4958-0007-5 ©2014
Price: $9.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

4 .
The New UniEarth: A Utopian World
This book is of the utopian societies genre supported with scientific ideas. It describes the worldwide changes that occur as the result of two major happenings. read more
by Hilton L. Anderson ~ 9781495805783 ©2015
Price: $9.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

5 .
I Am As God Created Me But I Forgot
No short available at this time. read more
by Hilton L. Anderson ~ 9781495809279 ©2016
Price: $11.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

6 .
Here and Here After: The Unrealized Universal Oneness of Love
The book is the summary of the author's beliefs after a forty year study of A course in Miracles, psychical research and the changes in physics resulting from quantum mechanics. read more
by Hilton L. Anderson ~ 9781495813726 ©2017
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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