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Elizabeth - Clairvoyant .
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New Smyrna Beach, Florida

When the author was nineteen years old, she was invited to a home where hypnotists, astrologers, and mediums met once a month to discuss parapsychology. One of the women in the group sensed her clairvoyant gift and requested a reading. At the time, the author had no idea what a psychic reading was, however, she followed the woman’s instructions, closed her eyes and did a reading. Unbeknownst to her, this was the beginning of her career as a clairvoyant reader, and spiritual journey in this lifetime.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Why Am I Psychic?
To become the mental architect of the universe is the ultimate purpose for the evolution and perfection of the mental body, birth, death, and rebirth – reincarnation. read more
by Elizabeth - Clairvoyant . ~ 0-7414-6940-5 ©2012
Price: $15.95

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