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Theodore R. Mann
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1. Professional life -- a trial lawyer in complex commercial cases, such as alleged securities fraud or anti-trust claims. 2. Pro-bono work – handled many First Amendment litigations involving the right to dissent or religious liberty or church-state separation. 3. Communal life -- president of many national Jewish organizations: Jewish Council for Public Affairs (1976-1980), Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations (1978-1980), National Conference on Soviet Jewry (1981-83), American Jewish Congress (1984-88), MAZON, A Jewish Response to Hunger (1985-90 – founding chair), and Project Nishma (1988-97 – founding co-chair). 4. Family – wife (Rowena, dec’d) and three children – Julie, Rachel, Marcus.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
If I Am Only for Myself…
Except for its first two chapters, “If I Am Only For Myself . . .” describes the American Jewish Community’s pursuit of social justice from 1944 to the present. Chapter 1 describes the values most American Jews bring with them into the voting booth, and why over the past 90 years there has been no change in the 30 point spread between how Jews and other white voters vote, notwithstanding the huge changes in the Jewish community over that period. Chapter 2 is a brief historical excursion comparing 19th and early 20th century American Jewry with the Jewish community following World War II. read more
by Theodore R. Mann ~ 0-7414-7316-X ©2012
Price: $15.95

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