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Chris "Clou" Papazoglou
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Laval, Quebec

My feelings of being alone, hurt, in pain, all because of one word, one feeling called LOVE. I have a big heart, so I’ve been told and been through heartache like all of us out there. Some more than others, I tried to find real love. Something that my young mind thought was easy to find. At least, I believe I had found it a few times. I was hoping and truly believing that I had found it. Little did I know, over and over again, I was left with hurt and anguish hoping one day that real love will last forever.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Love Cries, Love Dies
It’s about living in a dark place where love means everything. Trying to find love in a world where it doesn’t seem to exist. It seems to be unattainable; unreachable that it’s so far it’s just an emotional illusion. read more
by Chris "Clou" Papazoglou ~ 0-7414-7503-0 ©2012
Price: $9.95

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