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Finley St. George
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Solvang, California

Raised in the historic City of Philadelphia, Gene Boyle was blessed to be the firstborn in an ecumenical union of a Scottish-Irish Presbyterian mother and an Irish-Welsh Catholic father just prior to WWII.

With a BSEE from Drexel University and an MEEE from the Pennsylvania State University, he honed his scientific skills in the aerospace industry.

Gene's work for our military services has taken him to Europe, the Pacific, and both our coasts. Gene and his wife, Michele, reside on the California Central Coast. He served on the Solvang council and as mayor of the city.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Within Earshot of Freedom's Ring
"Within Earshot of Freedom's Ring" covers the period in the author's life from 1938 until graduation from college in 1960. It is set in historic Philadelphia. That city was the birthplace of freedom. Philadelphia was chosen by our Founding Fathers to write and adopt our Declaration of Independence, our United States Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. These three documents are included in the book. Out of a deep concern that creeping socialism and overreaching government are eroding our precious rights, the author felt compelled to pen this book. Each chapter begins with a relevant extract from our founding documents. read more
by Finley St. George ~ 0-7414-7743-2 ©2012
Price: $11.95

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