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Dom Roberti
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Haverford, Pennsylvania

Dominic Roberti, PhD, is a retired professor of chemistry from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia with a doctorate from Princeton University. He has written numerous essays for the newsletter of the Catholic Peace Fellowship on environmental and spiritual topics. He gives lectures and workshops on ecological spirituality, meditation practice, and extraterrestrial intelligence. He manages a website and produces an e-newsletter on extraterrestrial topics ( He and his wife are long-term meditators and have participated in trainings for contacting extraterrestrials. He is also interested in Native American spirituality and is a former member of the Board of the Philadelphia Buddhist Association.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Essays for Gaia
From ecological spirituality to extraterrestrial intelligence, these finely crafted essays reflect the original thinking of a retired professor passionate about the evolution of consciousness and the survival of our planet. read more
by Dom Roberti ~ 0-7414-7956-7 ©2012
Price: $13.95

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