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Loretta Anne Woodward Veney
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Clinton, Maryland

Throughout her life, Loretta Anne Woodward Veney, author of Being My Mom’s Mom, has chronicled family events through journals, photos, and videos, seeking to capture every moment. After learning that her beloved mother Doris was the first female in the family to suffer from dementia, Loretta began documenting the details of doctor visits, and recording people, places, and things as a substitute for lost memory. Loretta, a motivational teacher and trainer, who has delivered speeches and presentations and conducted workshops throughout the US and Europe, through her book, her first published work, offers a wealth of encouragement.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Being My Mom's Mom
“Being My Mom’s Mom” invites readers on my personal journey before and after the onset of my Mom’s dementia. Personal vignettes highlight the heartache and humor in this life-changing disease. I offer strategies from real experience for building the best care team for loved ones, increasing one's capacity for patience, and making the most of every day. I confirm the difficulty of acknowledging when it’s time to become the “parent of a parent”. I also offer hope that loving relationships with dementia sufferers can continue, even in the realization that the past is forgotten, and the future is the present. read more
by Loretta Anne Woodward Veney ~ 0-7414-8210-X ©2013
Price: $12.95

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2 .
Refreshment For The Caregiver's Spirit
Refreshment for the Caregiver's Spirit is an uplifting collection of Loretta's original quotes and stunning photos taken by Loretta and her late husband Tim that will inspire readers to persevere! read more
by Loretta Anne Woodward Veney ~ 1-4958-1374-6 ©2017
Price: $23.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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