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James Press
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Riverside, California

James Press is an emeritus distinguished professor of statistics
from the University of California at Riverside. He wrote about 20
technical books, and this is his fifth non-technical book. He has held
professional positions at The University of Chicago, Stanford University,
Yale University, University College London, the London School of Economics, University of British Columbia, University of California at Los Angeles, and University of California at Riverside. He worked professionally at the US Bureau of the Census, and consulted at The Rand Corp. for about 30 years. He is President of Statistical Analysis Inc, a statistical consulting company.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Travel Reflections
This non-fiction book is about traveling and reflections about those travels. It takes you on a journey to many different places in the world, some strange, some exotic, some dangerous, but always interesting places. I am an emeritus distinguished professor of Statistics. I attended many conferences all over the civilized world to give talks. Often I would take members of my family along with me. Sometimes I traveled with Grace, my wife; other times with one or more of my children, Daryl, Jamie, or Julie. read more
by James Press ~ 0-7414-8078-6 ©2013
Price: $56.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Moons of Jupiter
People on the Earth have been looking for a long time for human-type life elsewhere in the solar system. Recently, all scientific eyes have been looking for it on a moon of Jupiter called Europa. Europa is the sixth-closest moon of Jupiter. This book is about a voyage from Earth to Europa, to look more closely at Europa. It is about astronaut Dorothy, who makes the trip, her ex-husband, Hal, who bets big-time on the duration of the trip, and their adult son, Freddy. read more
by James Press ~ 1-4958-1383-5 ©2017
Price: $9.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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