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Clyde Coreil, Ph.D.
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Jersey City, New Jersey

Clyde Coreil holds a Master of Fine Arts in playwriting from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Ph.D. in linguistics from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He was awarded a $6,000 Fellowship in Playwriting by the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Edward Sapir Prize for an Outstanding Dissertation by the New York Academy of Science. He has taught in Vietnam and Saudi Arabia, and is presently a full professor at New Jersey City University. He was editor-in-chief of a total of 10 volumes of college journals and anthologies.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Term Papers and Academic Writing: Setting New Parameters
Through the term paper, graduates and undergraduates learn basic academic writing in 33 chapters and 175 pages. No prior knowledge or skill is required. Explanations and many examples are provided. read more
by Clyde Coreil, Ph.D. ~ 0-7414-8184-7 ©2013
Price: $18.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Circle on the Mekong
This play deals with the identity crisis of the recently ordained Catholic priest Lester Thibodeaux. During the war, he goes to Vietnam where he becomes romantically entwined with Joplin, whose brother is a monk at Peace Island. Thibodeaux rescues the girl from the bars and becomes a close friend of the family, which includes Uncle Bon, a witty, Quixotic older monk who has developed the Buddhist-Christian temple on the Island into a unique refuge from the world and the war. Thibodeaux's attempt to preserve that refuge turn into the utter destruction by fire of himself his beloved friends. read more
by Clyde Coreil, Ph.D. ~ 0-7414-8195-2 ©2013
Price: $13.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
Tragic Romance in Wartime Vietnam 2
Mercedes, a lost soul of 24, finds herself in the Shangri-La City of Hue, where North and South have agreed not to fight because it is the revered cultural center of Vietnam. read more
by Clyde Coreil, Ph.D. ~ 1-4958-0768-1 ©2017
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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