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Nancy Spring Bartholomew
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Leavenworth, Washington

Nancy is a nurse practitioner with a diverse and fulfilling career and a reputation for enthusiasm, team building, innovation, compassion, results and patient advocacy.

She has spent years in hospital nursing, caring for critically ill patients; has been a Cardiac Rehabilitation nurse, Nursing educator in local colleges, universities and hospitals, and a Nurse Specialist Consultant for the Heart Association.

As a cardiology nurse practitioner for the last 15 years, she has cared for patients with heart disease in hospital and outpatient settings. Her joy has been leading the establishment of a nationally recognized model for heart failure management.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Partnering With Patients: The Art of Heart Failure Management
Short stories illustrating the art of heart failure management from the perspective of a nurse practitioner. Examples of partnering with patients to overcome barriers to improved health. read more
by Nancy Spring Bartholomew ~ 0-7414-8486-2 ©2013
Price: $10.95

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