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Fritz Guichard
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St. Albans, New York

Fritz Guichard went to school in Haiti and the USA. He completed his primary, secondary, and also his university studies in Haiti. He graduated as an Economist in 1963 from the Institute of Economic Affairs, as a Lawyer in 1964 from the Faculty of law of Port-Au-Prince. While studying at both universities, he worked in the Finance Department as the manager for the Transactions “Import-Export” of the country.
In the USA, he received a BS in Economy from York College and a Master in education from LIU. He wrote two books. The latest was an economic book: History and the Role of the IMF in the Haitian Economy (1958-1971). Fritz is a retired teacher from the Board of Education in New York. Before his retirement and sickness, he was a competent educator and very involved in social and community projects.

Selected works by this author:
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Decodage Et Assimilation Du Code Civil Haiten De 1918/Enfantement De La Constitution America no-Haitienne
Décodage Et Assimilation Du Code Civil Haïtien De 1918 is a Civil Law Book about the Haitian Constitution of that period. I wrote this book based on my personal experience on the bench during the early sixties in the Haitian Civil Court. I examined and reviewed all the articles found in the book about the Haitian Constitution of 1918. I also wrote this book not only for the Law students but also for anybody interested in jurisprudence and the basic principles of Law. I compared the judiciary system of France and Haiti for their similarities. I conceived a table of good and bad Constitution based on the ideas of two great thinkers: Aristotle and Solon. My objective is to create a unique project for the new generation of Haitian children. This beautiful project is my contribution to Haiti for the loss of so many lives. read more
by Fritz Guichard ~ 0-7414-9839-1 ©2014
Price: $9.95

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