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Aaron Dunbar
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Kittaning, Pennsylvania

Aaron Dunbar graduated from Clarion University with degrees in Psychology and English writing as well as a Master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Pittsburgh. After pursuing several related careers, he wrote this first novel to be published. “While based on some actual events, ’Nostalgia’ is largely a metaphorical story. It illustrates the distance that can stand between people and the power of love to overcome virtually any obstacle. I’ve always been fond of the way fictitious characters and settings can relay fundamental truths.”

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In the US alone 2,300 missing person reports are filed daily. Most are voluntary, such as teenage runaways. A smaller number fall victim to serial killers, kidnapping, and sex trafficking. In 2011, there were less than 50 cases that remained unknown. read more
by Aaron Dunbar ~ 9781495804410 ©2015
Price: $27.95

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