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Robert A Marr
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Los Angeles, California

Robert was born-again at the age of sixteen. He lives in California with his wife and three kids. Robert wanted to help believers discern what is taking place around them and help them dig deeper into the unanswered questions. He yearns to educate the future generations through history, society and a transparent method of examining all types of evidences. Preparation is the theme of Robert’s vision. It includes a Christian based apprenticeship and discipleship focused on the context of the Hebrew culture while learning craftsmen skills to be productive and restorative in life.

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Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Guide for Undestanding the End of Times
“When that entire generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation arose that knew neither the Lord nor the work he had done for Israel.” Judges 2:10 read more
by Robert A Marr ~ 9781495804526 ©2015
Price: $8.95

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