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Martin Hellweg
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West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Martin Hellweg assists people who have become victims of a digital attack and advises individuals and corporations on privacy protection. In 2007, he founded the Virtual Bodyguard. The Virtual Bodyguard utilizes experts in the fields of communication, the law, information technology and psychology to help individuals navigate their digital challenges. Martin Hellweg is a reknown speaker, coach and lecturer. He has served as a Board Member and CEO of various public and privately held companies in crisis situations. On the basis of his vast professional experience, Martin Hellweg has written Safe Surfer and has developed a corresponding course program.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Safe Surfer
It only takes a couple of clicks: we order a product, post an image, download a file or transfer money but as we participate in the online world, we are being watched. read more
by Martin Hellweg ~ 9781495808036 ©2015
Price: $12.95

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